Monday, January 31, 2011

I am incredibly tired of winter!

After our wonderful end to last week, it is now blowing gale force winds and trying to snow.  I know enough to be grateful that we didn't get a bunch of ice, but the bone chilling cold is not all that fun either.  After a morning of watching the J-man, I baked chocolate chip cookies and played mindless computer games.  The Ranger and I did brave the cold to grab dinner with friends.  Tomorrow is a new month and one day closer to spring.  Can't come soon enough if you ask me.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I accomplished two things today!

When the Ranger stayed with his dad after heart surgery I came home for a few days.  The weather turned viciously cold, not fit for humans.  So I fired up the wood stove and got out a puzzle.  I worked on it then and of course once the Ranger got home, and dad got 'home', and mom got moved to the apartment and cooking and cleaning and shopping got done - the puzzle was abandoned.  So today I declared a "I am not leaving the house day" (and I only left twice)!  But I worked on the puzzle!  It is still not done, but it is close and I may have to have another go round once this blog is posted.  The other accomplishment was cleaning.  The living room sparkles, but it's all I had time to do 'cause I spent all the rest of the day on the puzzle and not leaving the house....except twice!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the weather here is wonderful!

We tend to have to most erratic weather here in Nebraska.  We really have had a interesting mix lately.  Today was lovely, sunny and actually quite warm.....49 degrees in January here is considered warm!  The snow from a week ago is melting and we enjoy these temporary temperatures as best we can since the forecast for the weekend is cold.  The plan for tomorrow is to wash the car and get some of the nasty sand and salt off - at least until the next storm rolls through.  And we aren't the only ones enjoying the sunshine!

Monday, January 24, 2011

I uploaded a photo to Pioneer Woman

I love reading The Pioneer Woman and I am envious of the wonderful photography that graces her pages.  When I read the blog regarding favorite flower photos I knew I had one I wanted to submit.  In reality it will probably not make the cut, but I did it any way.  I will share it here, with thanks to my friend Patty for calling me last April to come take photos of her spring flowers.  What a fun way to spend some time.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

the last couple weeks have been stressful!

The Ranger's dad had to have by-pass surgery.  That is a tough enough medical event, but compound it with being 90 and it makes it a whole new ball game.  To make a really long story short.....he is doing well.  I have a major respect for the heart doctors and their nursing staff.  So he is recovering in a care facility near home and it is good to have him here.  Not being able to use his arms for support and balance is an interesting aspect of his recovery, but he is giving it his all. Not exactly the way we thought 2011 would begin, but we are all doing the best we can.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's not been a good start!

So far 2011 has been less than stellar.  Let's just say a 'bug' has gone through the family and taken it's toll.  We'll leave it at that.
The days do dawn sunny these cold winter days. And the birds come to eat.  Ranger is good at keeping the feeders full, no matter how cold the temps.  We watch for 'rare and exotic' but we almost always get 'common to the area'.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Christmas Tree is gone!

I put away the 2010 Christmas today.  Ranger even helped by putting the tree in the box and carrying things to the garage for storage.  I am always a bit sad when the tree is gone, but have to admit that the living room looks huge now.  Thinking maybe I need to shop for a small chair without arms to fit in the little corner.
On another note, I did my first 'non-family' photo shoot yesterday for some friends.  Their kids and grandkids were here from across the US and thought it would be fun to do the photos.  We planned for outside, which was hampered by 15 degree temperatures even though the sun was shining.  So we did the best we could with inside and poor light.  They had a good time and liked the photos and I learned a ton.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's 2011!

A new year is here.  The sun is shining, but I didn't let that fool me.  I know it is colder than ever outside and I am snuggling in by the stove.  This blog is my plan to keep me organized and more purposeful in my approach to 2011.  I have longed to end the past years with lovely photo albums all ready to print - but I have come to the realization that is not my style.  I did finally find a system that I think will work for me.  Here is my plan at  Katie the Scrapbook Lady.  So you will find me sharing some photos, books, movies and accomplishments month to month. 
I hope that 2011 finds you happy and if you haven't considered it yet, you might think about doing something new this year.