Saturday, March 26, 2011

60 is 60!

My birthday has come and gone.  I admit to being less than excited about the number of years.  Don't get me wrong, my life is wonderful.  However, for some reason the number 60 seems a bit, well, over the hill.  I think back to my parents being 60 and they. were. old!  And my grandparents at 60 were ancient.  It will be interesting to hear what the oldest grandson has to say about 60 in a few years.  Now he tells me it is not that old - really grandma - not that old.
My daughter and son in law threw me a party.  It was fantastic.  Lots of friends and food and beverages.  My sister was here to help celebrate (and help get ready).  I was told I could do NOTHING, but I am not very compliant, so I did a few things.  I was told I could not be in charge, but again, I am not very compliant, so I had a few suggestions.  (One concerning how to cut a pepper, but I won't go into it here.)  But for the most part I just enjoyed it all.  It was fun watching my daughter organize and get ready, my sister help out, my sister in law take charge of the kitchen sink and my brother - ok, he and son in law can tap a keg in nothing flat.

So now you know, I'm 60 and I've decided to be proud!  I might try to learn a few new things, read more books, travel to a couple new places and enjoy my family to the max!  Happy Birthday to me!!!

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