I have been looking for the snowy owl for days. Snowy owls are not native to our area, they prefer an arctic habitat, they aren't usually found very far off the ground and they are day hunters. For some reasons a few of them have wandered into my area. I have watched the email alerts and driven to the last sightings multiple times. But I am always a bit late. No owl and I was beginning to think it would leave the area without me seeing it and trying for a photo. This morning the email alert says there are TWO snowy owls in the area. One very close to my house and one about eight miles away. I gather my camera, extra lens, tripod, binoculars, bird book, water bottle, and drive to the nearer location. Snowy owl, on the light pole right there where it was suppose to be; perched like it owned the area. I looked at it through the binoculars. Gorgeous, puffy, white with black, eyes that blinked and a head that turned. I took out the camera with my longest lens and tried to get a good shot. I didn't want to scare it, so I stayed by my car. They are not known to be skittish, but I wasn't taking any chances. Not the best snowy owl shot in the world, but it is proof that I saw it.

A bit later I drove to the other location, but alas no snowy owl was to be found. I did get a photo of this hawk. Not sure what kind, and here it is hidden in the tree. Didn't know that hawks were into camouflage. Watching hawks is an interesting pastime.
Then I did get all of my 12 photos yesterday to show a bit of snapshot of my life. I got them together and I am sharing them.
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